Tesla Model S Autopilot Feature Apparently Capable of Self Learning and Improve Some car owners

Tesla Model S Autopilot Feature Apparently Capable of Self Learning and Improve Some car owners -

Tesla Model S car owners are reported to be noted that the car model has the ability to learn and self improve itself. In Tesla Motors Club, the forum owner of a Tesla owner posted his experience Model S held, has plunged an exit ramp before, however, after a few days he was almost able to adjust Consequently every time he needed to drive through an exit ramp without him to do anything.

another Model S owner had the same experience. The owner wrote that he or she noticed the first time the car took the curve at full speed, it was not able to stay in the corridor and therefore the alert "take control immediately" has been activated. However, after some drive through the same curve for several times, it is now learned to slow down and there was no problem taking the curve. This made the owner thought that the car is really doing some self-learning.

The situation has left some Model S owners confused because they do not understand what is happening. However, when we looked back at the discussion with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, which took place last month, it makes sense. Meanwhile, he explained about "learning fleet" through which the work of the fleet of all Tesla as a network. Therefore, every time a car learns something, the whole fleet learns something. Updates occur regularly, most likely as a background process. Therefore Model S should improve each week and the owner of the vehicle must notice the difference in a week.

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