Google Getting Impatient as regulators of California has not Spend auto etiquette of cars

Google Getting Impatient as regulators of California has not Spend auto etiquette of cars -

Since 2014, Google plans to release the self driving car to the public in 2016. The company was testing its autonomous cars on California roads since then and it is reported that there were 17 collisions so far. In total Google has more than 2.2 million miles of testing with nearly 1.3 million miles in the car driving mode.

With a year before the release date, Google seems to be ready, except for one thing, the rules of the road for self driving. Apparently, the Department of Motor Vehicles have the power to do so. Before Google was granted permission to release his self driving car on California public roads for public use, the company must prove that these cars are ready to drive as safely as people.

There appears to have complex questions about the technology that can not be answered yet. Question as if self driving cars fitted with advanced sensors and power capable of driving better than human calculation; is the steering wheel and the pedals still necessary? Can a person even required to be inside the car? Google's answer to these two questions are.

Google tested a total of 73 auto cars driving among the 98 test vehicles that have been granted permission to be tested on public roads by DMV in California. The company is considered also lobbied the California DMV to publish self driving car harder regulation as other car manufacturers who also manufacture auto car driving.

Google representatives are seen to constantly check the DMV and California State Transportation Agency on the state rules, official state flight from Sacramento to Silicon Valley for the test goes as well as sending technical experts and lobbyists in the capital to information sessions on writing the regulations.

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