More Restrictions Added to Tesla Autopilot Feature in response to videos uploaded by people using this Dangerously

More Restrictions Added to Tesla Autopilot Feature in response to videos uploaded by people using this Dangerously -

Videos uploaded on Youtube showing people doing stunts with Tesla Autopilot function on private roads that could cause damage to themselves and the people around them. Regarding this, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said additional constraints will be added to the function, the call gains with the event investors.

It seems that people have tested the Autopilot function limit in the car Tesla models if it is intentional or accidental. In addition to this, there are people who obviously were using the functionality recklessly. Musk seems to realize that Tesla has some responsibility that the company designs and implements the system.

Musk did not specify the particular constraints that will be added in the function. However, one possible constraint that could be implemented is to ask someone to sit on the driver's seat that some of the videos showed that no one is on the driver's seat while the car Tesla is it -even driving on private road. Occupancy sensor can be installed on the driver's seat to check that side of the driver's seatbelt is clicked. If it is not then the car could not even be able to start.

Tesla and Google believe that fully autonomous cars are the future of the automobile. However, the two companies have another way to implement them. Tesla estimates that driving is necessary for the human operator to take over in response to scenarios where the system may not be able to handle it. The company will gradually add more features and more autonomy to its car model.

Google on the other hand believes that the steering wheel is not necessary.

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