Self Driving Cars more prone to accidents, but that does not mean they are less safe

Self Driving Cars more prone to accidents, but that does not mean they are less safe -
accident records Michael Sivak and Brandon Schoettle of the University Transportation Research Institute Michigan analyzed from 2012 to September 2015 all three enterprises which are autonomous vehicle testing that is Google, Delphi and Audi. The conclusion is that cars driving the car as those tested by Google are more prone to accidents, however, this does not mean they are less safe
For this study, both. the researchers compared the rate of auto car accident driving with conventional vehicles. It is found that self driving cars had the average collision rate of 9.1 per million miles traveled to 4.1 per million miles driven for conventional vehicles. Self driving cars also had higher rate of 3.29 injuries per million miles driven to 1.02 per million miles driven for conventional vehicles.
Schoettle sent NBC News that one could conclude that self driving cars are more dangerous, but he did not think that the data actually showed that, like self driving vehicles appears to be more likely to be involved in accidents in general, however, it is not their fault and still be hit by conventional vehicles, and injuries that occurred were less severe and any minor up 'now.
on top of that, apparently self-driving cars are being tested in California in which the environment is less difficult than a part of America as there no snow while conventional cars could meet one of the most difficult road conditions.

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